A collection of videos and public presentations about Scuttlebutt.
Secure Scuttlebutt: Peer-to-peer collaboration and community infrastructure
Charles Lehner @ LibrePlanet 2020
An introduction to SSB, the protocol, network, applications, values, community, and culture.
The Localized but Distributed Social Network
We’re joined by Dominic Tarr, a sailor, and the Founder of Secure Scuttlebutt. This curiously named project has a fascinating approach to creating a truly distributed social network.
Scuttlebutt and a Decentralized Future
Scuttlebutt can be transformative for society, decentralizing and enabling local community development. Perfect for environments which require offline workability.
Reinvent the Social Web
André Staltz @ FullStackFest
The times we live in have made it necessary to disrupt mainstream social networks. In this talk, Andre will present Scuttlebutt, from the Node.js hacker community. With fully offline browsing, new types of interactions, cryptographic authenticity, and data ownership, several opportunities for innovation are unlocked.
The internet in 2030
André Staltz @ Mixit 19
There are even more difficulties approaching: climate crisis, crowd social engineering, and the next impending economic crisis, all of which are interconnected. One promising approach can benefit the environment, the economy, humanity, and the internet: décroissance.

A Tour of the Scuttlebutt ecosystem
DWeb Summit 2018
Mikey Williams, aka dinosaur, is sort of the Scuttlebutt librarian, and gives us a quick tour.
Anders (arj) @ Bornhack 2019
What is the meaning of "decentralization"?
Dweb Summit August 1 2018
Taken literally, "decentralization" just means "not centralized", but what are the different ways something can be not centralized? Are there different types or flavors of decentralization that can be meaningfully distinguished?

It's time to build our own Internet
TEDxGeneva 2018
Anders (arj) @ Techfestival 2018
O fim da Internet
BrazilJS Conf 2017
Data Terra Nemo - Dominic Tarr
Date Terra Nemo | Berlin
Decentralized Databases, and the End of the Web Host
Paul Frazee @ JS.LA April 2015
How do we synchronize user devices without using servers or central coordination? Join us for a discussion of content-addressing, secure data structures, the web of trust, and apps-development in a post-host Web.
Secure Database Games
Dominic Tarr @
Mad Science Architectures
Dominic Tarr @ Realtime Conference
The puzzle pieces of secure-scuttlebutt are being assembled.
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